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Top blue bar image The Timeline Group
A student-led group project from HIST 246

Timeline Group Contract

Our mission is to build a timeline that places Dick Dowling’s story in a broader historical context, including events in the history of immigration and Irish heritage, the history of Houston as a city, and the Civil Rights movement. We hope to show how broader, sensitive social issues might have shaped the way he was remembered over time. Events both from Dowling’s life, the battle of Sabine Pass, and Dowling’s memory will be included to show how the significant events in his life changed over time.

By choosing which events and dates will go onto the timeline, we are demonstrating our analysis and emphasizing our main objective.

Categories: events in U.S. history, events in Texas history, Dowling’s life, remembering Dowling, Dowling’s statue

(As specifically as possible, list the tasks that will need to be done and who will be responsible for each of them.)
-Victor will create the shared Google Docs account as well as set up the TimeLine profile
-Research dates relevant to 1837-1867: Clarissa
-Research dates relevant to 1868-1910: Victor
-Research dates relevant to 1911-present: Juri
-Meet as a group to discuss which of these events make the cut
-Evenly split up the dates that are chosen and research these dates
-Make the timeline as a group

(List any online services or software tools you will use, and provide specific information about the accounts that created them and/or where resources you are generating as a group will be located.)
-Google Docs (shared account): Victor
-TimeLine Software (create the profile): Victor
-Houston Public Library Archives
-Library Assignment 1
-Blog Posts

(What are the intermediate deadlines you are setting as a group to make sure all the tasks are done by the final deadline.)
-April 14: Thursday 6 pm: Meet to discuss which dates make the cut
-April 22: Research those dates that have been approved to go on the timeline
-April 29: Begin constructing the timeline

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